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How To Stop Your Negative Thoughts

Everyone has them — those moments when you feel like the world is against you, everything is going wrong and nothing will ever get better. In these moments, many of us fall victim to negative thoughts that can last for hours, days or even weeks. But what are negative thoughts and how can we stop them? Negative thoughts are a persistent stream of pessimistic and negative beliefs about yourself, others or the world around you. These thoughts may seem like they’re based in reality but, in fact, they’re usually exaggerated generalizations or assumptions about things that have happened in the past. Negative thinking patterns often start as a response to a difficult situation but over time they become unhelpful habits that keep us trapped in our own minds. Because negative thoughts are so common we all need strategies to manage them effectively and here are some ways to do just that

Identify Your Negative Thinking Patterns

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve felt the negative effects of your own pessimistic thoughts at some point in your life. But how do you know when you’re falling into a negative thinking pattern? The first step is to identify your negative thinking patterns so you can recognize them when they occur and learn to break the cycle. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck in a downward spiral of negative thoughts, you’ll know how difficult it can be to get out of that mindset. It’s important to recognize when you’re in that downward spiral of negative thinking so that you can break it by focusing on positive thoughts instead. A helpful way to identify your negative thinking patterns is to keep a journal and pay attention to the types of thoughts that pop into your head throughout the day. You could also try keeping a Mood Journal where you note down your mood, the reasons why you’re feeling that way and your thoughts on the situation or event that triggered those feelings.

Be Thankful

Focusing on the positive aspects of your life and what you’re grateful for can help interrupt a negative thought pattern and is a simple yet effective technique for stopping negative thoughts. If you’re feeling down or trapped in a negative thought pattern, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of negativity. But gratitude is an incredibly effective way to interrupt this negative cycle and refocus your attention on the positive aspects of your life. This is because when you focus on what you’re grateful for, you’re actively shifting your attention away from those negative thoughts and onto the good in your life. Research shows that individuals who regularly practice gratitude experience lower levels of stress, higher levels of happiness and improved mental health compared to those who do not. Being thankful for the good things in your life is a great way to cultivate a more optimistic mindset, which can help put a stop to negative thinking patterns.

Take Shelter In Nature

Whether you spend time in nature or simply look at images of nature, the research shows it can be an effective way to stop negative thoughts and even increase your positive feelings. Taking shelter in nature is another simple and effective way to interrupt negative thought patterns and is a form of mindfulness designed to help you focus your attention on the present moment, rather than your thoughts. While many mindfulness exercises involve actively focusing your attention on your breath or an object in the environment, taking shelter in nature simply involves spending time in nature with your eyes closed and concentrating on all of the sounds, smells and sensations around you in that moment. Research shows that taking shelter in nature is an effective way to stop negative thinking, increase positive emotions and improve focus. This may be because nature is inherently relaxing and helps to interrupt the stress response in our bodies.

Write Down Your Thoughts

Writing down your thoughts can be an effective way to stop negative thoughts and may also help you to understand their underlying causes. Writing down your thoughts is an excellent way to stop negative thoughts and may help you to understand the underlying causes of your thinking patterns. For example, you could write a list of all the negative thoughts you’ve had over the past week, what triggered them and how the thoughts felt in your body. When you write things down, it gives you a different perspective on those thoughts, which is often enough to interrupt the pattern and get you back in control of your emotions. When you write down your negative thoughts, you can actively challenge them and actively search for evidence that contradicts your negative thoughts. This process can help you to identify and challenge your irrational beliefs, interrupt your negative thought pattern and help you to regain control of your emotions.

Doodle Or Meditate

Doodling or meditating are two activities that are often recommended to people who struggle with negative thoughts and may be helpful for anyone who wants to stop their negative thoughts. Doodling can be an effective way to stop negative thoughts, particularly when you don’t have a pen and paper to hand. Simply focusing on the act of doodling can help to break the cycle of negative thoughts since it gives you something else to focus your attention on. It’s important to note that doodling doesn’t have to be anything fancy, in fact, the simpler the doodle the better since this provides you with less room to get lost in your thoughts. Similarly, meditating is an excellent way to stop negative thoughts and can help you to gain a better understanding of the causes of your thinking patterns. Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique that can help you to relax, focus your attention on the present moment and gain clarity on whatever is currently troubling you. There are various types of meditations that you can try, including mindfulness, guided imagery and breathing techniques.

Build Momentum With Small Wins

When you catch yourself falling into a negative thought pattern, you can interrupt the cycle by actively focusing your attention on small wins or progress made towards your goals. Negative thoughts are often fuelled by a lack of progress or a feeling that you’re constantly moving backwards. When you catch yourself falling into a negative thought pattern, you can interrupt the cycle by actively focusing your attention on small wins or progress made towards your goals. This can be as simple as genuinely congratulating yourself on the small amount of progress you’ve made or actively reminding yourself of the progress you’ve made towards your goals. This can help to break the negative thought pattern, lift your mood and inspire you to keep going. It’s important to remember that progress doesn’t need to be big. You could simply be proud of the fact that you got out of bed and did something productive today, even if it was only for 15 minutes. Small wins are often the best way to build momentum and help you to stay motivated when things get tough.


Negative thoughts are a normal part of life but they can become unhelpful when they are excessive or recurrent. It’s important to remember that negative thoughts are not a reflection of who you are as a person. They are simply patterns of thinking that can be interrupted and changed with the right tools and techniques. There are a variety of different ways you can interrupt your negative thought patterns and reduce the amount of time you spend trapped in your own head. From practicing gratitude to taking shelter in nature, there’s a way to interrupt those negative thoughts no matter where you are. The next time you find yourself stuck in a negative thought pattern, try one of these techniques to help you break free and get back to enjoying life.