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Suffering From Anxiety? Use Meditation To Ease The Pain

Many people suffer from anxiety, and it can be very debilitating. It’s something that is often overlooked, but it’s important to understand how you can use meditation to ease the pain of anxiety. Anxiety is one of the most common psychological problems in the world. In fact, it is also among the most damaging. People with anxiety have an intense apprehension of specific situations or objects. They worry about things that are not reasonable, and they feel tense and panicky almost all the time. It interferes with their daily activities, relationships, and ability to concentrate. Anxiety can be caused by a number of factors such as genetics, previous trauma, stress, and personal beliefs about danger or risk. If you’re suffering from anxiety right now there are some ways that you can use meditation to ease the pain.

Why Use Meditation When You’re Suffering From Anxiety?

When people experience anxiety they often make the mistake of trying to push the feeling away. We try to deny the feeling and do everything in our power to get rid of it. Unfortunately, this is the worst thing that you can do if you’re feeling anxious. When you try to push anxiety away you’re actually making it worse. When you meditate when you’re feeling anxious you don’t try to push the anxiety away. You learn to accept the anxiety, sit with it, and let it pass through you. In this way, you’re not just managing the anxiety, you’re actually getting rid of it. Meditation has been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on your mood and mental state. It helps to regulate your thoughts, calm your mind, and bring a sense of clarity to your life. When you’re feeling anxious it can be really difficult to concentrate and find clarity. Meditation can help to clear your mind and bring you the clarity you need when you’re suffering from anxiety.

How Does Meditation Help With Anxiety?

When you’re feeling anxious you can’t just switch off and ignore it. You need to actively work to get rid of the anxiety and ease the pain. When you meditate you’re not trying to ignore or get rid of the anxiety, you’re accepting it and allowing it to flow through you and out of your system. Meditation is a great way to get rid of anxiety because it uses your breath. Your breath has a powerful effect on your mental and physical state. Your breath has an effect on every single cell in your body. When you’re feeling anxious your breath is probably high and shallow. This means that there isn’t enough oxygen getting to your brain, which leads to anxiety. By using your breath during meditation you can restore your natural breath, which in turn restores your mental state and calms your anxiety.

Breathing Exercises

When you’re feeling anxious it can be difficult to focus, so you might want to start with some breathing exercises that are designed to calm and focus you. You can try a breathing technique called diaphragmatic breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing focuses on breathing through your diaphragm, which is the muscle between your chest and abdomen. When you breathe diaphragmatically, the movement of your chest and shoulders is minimal. This technique can help to lower your heart rate and bring clarity to your mind. Another exercise that can help you to focus, calm, and ease anxiety is a 4-7-8 breathing technique. This breathing technique is a type of slow breathing that has been used for centuries. Start by exhaling all the air from your lungs. Once you’ve done that, take a slow breath in through your nose for a count of four. Hold the breath for a count of seven. Now take a slow breath out through your mouth for a count of eight. You can do this exercise anytime and anywhere, and it is proven to relieve anxiety and calm your mind.

Body Scanning

When you’re feeling anxious it’s common to feel tense and anxious all over. The best way to combat this is to use a body scanning meditation. This type of meditation focuses on bringing clarity to your thoughts and calming your mind by focusing on different parts of your body. When you’re meditating, focus on one part of your body at a time and try to get as much detail as possible. What does it feel like? What does it look like? What does it smell like? What does it sound like? Once you’ve focused on one part of your body, move onto the next. This type of meditation helps to clear your mind and remove any unnecessary thoughts. After a few minutes of this meditation you should feel calm, relaxed, and ready to get on with your day.


Anxiety is a real problem for many people and it can severely disrupt your daily life. Luckily, you don’t have to suffer from anxiety for the rest of your life. There are many ways that you can use meditation to ease the pain of anxiety. When you’re feeling anxious you don’t try to push the feeling away, you accept it and allow it to pass through you. This helps to calm your mind and ease your anxiety. You can also try some breathing exercises, and a body scanning meditation when you’re feeling anxious, and you’ll soon see that meditation has many benefits for those suffering from anxiety.